Changes log
Changes log
Agendo has been updated! If you experience any issues, please clear cache and cookies before reporting..
What have we been up to? See a complete list of changes here.
Version: 3.4.050
Agendo has been updated! If you experience any issues, please clear cache and cookies before reporting. Here is a summary of changes:
- Added possibility to hide user on financial reports
- Refined search of custom permissions
- Improvements on email notifications for new permissions
- Bug fixes related to calendar waiting lists, subscription, reporting and other minor fixes
Version: 3.4.045
Agendo has been updated! If you experience any issues, please clear cache and cookies before reporting. Here is a summary of changes:
- Announcements can now be set on requests
- Financial report now details assistance staff, when applicable
- Bug fixes related to booking assistance, stocks, notifications and other minor fixes
Version: 3.4.040
Agendo has been updated! If you experience issues accessing bookings, please clear cache and cookies. Here is a summary of changes:
- List of facility users now available in the facility configuration page
- Bug fixes related to booking assistance, booking metadata, and other minor fixes
Version: 3.4.032
Agendo has been updated! If you experience issues logging in via institutional credentials, please clear cache and cookies
Version: 3.4.031
Agendo has been updated! In this version, you'll find:
- Stock auto-refill
- Notes section in Requests
- QR Code for Request Class
- Requests with no financial expression
- Group leaders can book on behalf of their users
- Facility column in Notes & SOPs
- Fine tuning and minor bug fixes
Please remember to clear your browser's cache to make sure these changes work correctly. We hope you enjoy these improvements! If you find any bugs or features that are not working as expected, please contact us immediately via Agendo Support ticketing system.